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Version: 1.20.4


/tinkercrazyenchantments.tinkerOpens up the Tinkerer GUI.
/blacksmithcrazyenchantments.blacksmithOpens up the Black Smith GUI.
/gkitzcrazyenchantments.gkitzOpen the GKitz GUI.
/gkitz <kit>crazyenchantments.gkitz.<gkit>Gives you a gkit.
/gkitz <kit> <player>crazyenchantments.gkitz.giveGives another player a gkit.
/gkitz reset <kit> [player]crazyenchantments.resetReset a players gkit cooldown.
/cecrazyenchantments.guiOpens the main menu GUI.
/ce helpcrazyenchantments.accessShows all CE commands.
/ce limitcrazyenchantments.limitGives information on the players current enchantment limit.
/ce info [enchantment]crazyenchantments.infoShows info on all enchantments.
/ce reloadcrazyenchantments.reloadReloads all the configuration files.
/ce remove <enchantment>crazyenchantments.removeRemoves an enchantment from the item in your hand.
/ce add <enchantment> [level]crazyenchantments.addAdds an enchantment to the item in your hand.
/ce spawn <enchantment> [Level:#/World:<world>/X:#/Y:#/Z:#]crazyenchantments.spawnDrops an enchantment book where you tell it to.
/ce scroll <black/white/transmog> [amount] [player]crazyenchantments.scrollGive a player scrolls.
/ce crystal [amount] [player]crazyenchantments.crystalGive a player protection crystals.
/ce scrambler [amount] [player]crazyenchantments.scramblerGive a player scramblers.
/ce dust <success/destroy/mystery> [amount] [player] [percent]crazyenchantments.dustGive a player a some magical dust.
/ce book <enchantment> [level] [amount] [player]crazyenchantments.bookGive a player enchantment books.
/ce book <enchantment> [minlevel-maxlevel] [amount] [player]crazyenchantments.bookGives a player an enchantment book with a random level from a set range.
/ce lostbook <category> [amount] [player]crazyenchantments.lostbookGive a player lost books.
/ce give [player] [data]crazyenchantments.giveGive a player and item with crazy enchantments.
/ce bottle [player] [storedAmount] [amount]crazyenchantments.giveGive a player a bottle with the specified amount stored.
/ce updateenchantscrazyenchantments.updateenchantsIterates through the lore of the item in your main hand and updates how the enchantments are stored.


Sign Shopscrazyenchantments.signAllows the player to make sign shops.
Max Enchantmentscrazyenchantments.limit.#Replace the # with a number to set the limit for how many enchantments a player can have on the item.
Base Enchantmentscrazyenchantments.base-limit.#Replace the # with a number to set base amount for how many enchantments a player can have on the item.
All Commandscrazyenchantments.adminAllows you to access all commands.


Max Enchantmentscrazyenchantments.bypass.limitBypasses the enchantment limit.
Aura Enchantmentscrazyenchantments.bypass.auraBypass all the aura enchantment effects.
Blast Enchantmentcrazyenchantments.blast.useAllows you to use Blast.
Enchant Blacklistcrazyenchantments.<enchantmentName>.denyStops players from being able to use enchants.
Wings Enemycrazyenchantments.bypass.wingsBypass the enemy detection for the wings enchantment.
Gkit Timerscrazyenchantments.bypass.gkitzBypass the gkit cooldowns.
Protection Crystalscrazyenchantments.bypass.protectioncrystalMake protection crystals work every time.


crazyenchantments.player.*Gives access to all player based permissions including the ability to use signs with a limit of 3 enchantments.
crazyenchantments.admin.*Gives access to all admin based permissions including bypasses.