/tinker | crazyenchantments.tinker | Opens up the Tinkerer GUI. |
/blacksmith | crazyenchantments.blacksmith | Opens up the Black Smith GUI. |
/gkitz | crazyenchantments.gkitz | Open the GKitz GUI. |
/gkitz <kit> | crazyenchantments.gkitz.<gkit> | Gives you a gkit. |
/gkitz <kit> <player> | crazyenchantments.gkitz.give | Gives another player a gkit. |
/gkitz reset <kit> [player] | crazyenchantments.reset | Reset a players gkit cooldown. |
/ce | crazyenchantments.gui | Opens the main menu GUI. |
/ce help | crazyenchantments.access | Shows all CE commands. |
/ce limit | crazyenchantments.limit | Gives information on the players current enchantment limit. |
/ce info [enchantment] | crazyenchantments.info | Shows info on all enchantments. |
/ce reload | crazyenchantments.reload | Reloads all the configuration files. |
/ce remove <enchantment> | crazyenchantments.remove | Removes an enchantment from the item in your hand. |
/ce add <enchantment> [level] | crazyenchantments.add | Adds an enchantment to the item in your hand. |
/ce spawn <enchantment> [Level:#/World:<world>/X:#/Y:#/Z:#] | crazyenchantments.spawn | Drops an enchantment book where you tell it to. |
/ce scroll <black/white/transmog> [amount] [player] | crazyenchantments.scroll | Give a player scrolls. |
/ce crystal [amount] [player] | crazyenchantments.crystal | Give a player protection crystals. |
/ce scrambler [amount] [player] | crazyenchantments.scrambler | Give a player scramblers. |
/ce dust <success/destroy/mystery> [amount] [player] [percent] | crazyenchantments.dust | Give a player a some magical dust. |
/ce book <enchantment> [level] [amount] [player] | crazyenchantments.book | Give a player enchantment books. |
/ce book <enchantment> [minlevel-maxlevel] [amount] [player] | crazyenchantments.book | Gives a player an enchantment book with a random level from a set range. |
/ce lostbook <category> [amount] [player] | crazyenchantments.lostbook | Give a player lost books. |
/ce give [player] [data] | crazyenchantments.give | Give a player and item with crazy enchantments. |
/ce bottle [player] [storedAmount] [amount] | crazyenchantments.give | Give a player a bottle with the specified amount stored. |
/ce updateenchants | crazyenchantments.updateenchants | Iterates through the lore of the item in your main hand and updates how the enchantments are stored. |
/ce Check-Enchants | crazyenchantments.checkenchants | Loops through all armor that the specified player has and sends the information about what crazy enchantments they are using. |