Voucher Example Arg
# Q) How can I deny the player's permissions?
# A) Use your permissions plugin like LuckPerms, You can run /lp user {player} permission set your_permission
# Q) Do I need everything in this config?
# A) No, You can view PlayerHead.yml for an example whereas much as possible can be removed.
# The material.
item: 'PAPER'
# The name of the item.
name: '&bArg Example &3{arg}'
# The lore of the item.
- '&7Use this voucher to rank up to &c{arg}'
- '&8(&e!&8) &dRight click to redeem.'
# The player name
player: ''
# If the item should glow or not.
glowing: true
# The commands to send.
- 'lp user {player} parent group set {arg}'
# The message sent when they right-click it.
message: '&7Congratulations, you have just ranked up to &6{arg}&7.'
# If the sounds should be enabled.
toggle: true
# The volume pitch
volume: 1.0
# The sound pitch
pitch: 1.0
# The sound or sounds to use.
# https://jd.papermc.io/paper/1.21.1/org/bukkit/Sound.html