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Version: Current

Default Example

# Q) How can I deny the player's permissions?
# A) Use your permissions plugin like LuckPerms, You can run /lp user {player} permission set your_permission

# Q) Do I need everything in this config?
# A) No, You can view PlayerHead.yml for an example whereas much as possible can be removed.

# Items: Options
# Item: <ID:MD> - You can choose the item with its id and meta data.
# Amount: <Number> - Choose how many of the item you get.
# Name: <Name> - The display name that goes on the item.
# Lore: <Line 1>,<Line 2>,<Line 3>,<Line 4> - The lore that will go under the enchantments. Split lines with a ','
# <Enchantment>:<Level> - Choose the enchantment you want to add to the item. You can use the in-game names of the enchantment if you want. Replace the spaces in the name with a "_".
# Firework Colors: #
# Aqua, Black, Blue, Fuchsia, Gray, Green, Lime, Maroon, #
# Navy, Olive, Orange, Purple, Red, Silver, Teal, White, Yellow #
# The material.
# The name of the item.
name: '&8&l>&7&l>&cTrim Example&7&l<&8&l<'
# The lore of the item.
- '&7Use this voucher to get fancy trims.'
- '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Right click to redeem.'
player: ''
# If the item should glow or not.
glowing: true
# The commands to send.
- 'msg {player} wow you claimed a voucher.'
- 'msg {player} #FCFCFDwew multiple commands with &ccolors'
# The message sent when they right-click it.
message: '&7Congratulations, you have yourself fancy trims'
# The message to send.
message: '{prefix}You are not in any of the whitelisted worlds.'
# The list of worlds they have to be in.
- 'world'
- 'world_nether'
# If we should check players for this.
toggle: false
# If they don't have the permission, send this message.
message: '{prefix}You do not have the permission {permission} to use this voucher.'
# If they don't have this permission, they can't use the voucher.
- 'your-permission'
# If we should check players for this.
toggle: false
# The message to send to a player if they can't use the voucher.
message: '{prefix}You already have the permission {permission} so you can''t use this voucher.'
# If they have this permission, they can't use the voucher.
- 'your-permission'
# If this should be enabled.
toggle: false
# The max amount of uses for the voucher.
amount: 10
# If the player has to confirm claiming the voucher.
two-step-authentication: false
# If the sounds should be enabled.
toggle: true
# The volume pitch
volume: 1.0
# The sound pitch
pitch: 1.0
# The sound or sounds to use.
# 1.21.1/org/bukkit/Sound.html
# If the fireworks should be enabled.
toggle: true
# The colors of the firework.
colors: 'Black, Gray, Aqua'

# If the voucher is edible
is-edible: false

# The items to give when claiming the voucher.
- 'Item:DIAMOND_HELMET, Damage:50, Trim-Pattern:SENTRY, Trim-Material:QUARTZ, Amount:1, Protection:4, Respiration:1, Aqua_Affinity:3, Unbreaking:3, Thorns:3'
- 'Item:DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE, Damage:50, Trim-Pattern:DUNE, Trim-Material:REDSTONE, Amount:1, Protection:4, Unbreaking:3, Thorns:3'
# Random Commands is completely random, It'll run one of these commands.
- 'eco give 50000'
- 'eco give 5000'
- 'eco give 1000'
- 'give {player} diamond 5'
# Lets you run commands with % chances
- '45 eco give {player} 100'
- '25 eco give {player} 1000'
- '15 eco give {player} 10000'
- '10 eco give {player} 100000'
- '5 eco give {player} 1000000'

# The durability or damage to the item given in the preview gui.
display-damage: 50

# The trim applied to the item in the preview gui.
material: QUARTZ
pattern: SENTRY