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Player Head Example

# The material.
# The name of the item.
name: '&cA player head example'
# The lore of the item.
- '&7Use this voucher to get fancy trims.'
- '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Right click to redeem.'
player: 'Rukkhadevata'
#player: ''
# If the item should glow or not.
glowing: true
# All options when they right-click it.
# The message sent when they right-click it.
message: '&7Congratulations, you have yourself a fancy head.'

# The items to give when claiming the voucher.
- 'Item:PLAYER_HEAD, Player:, Name:&cA fancy head, Lore:&eA fancy lore,&7with lines, Amount: 3, Glowing: true'
- 'Item:PLAYER_HEAD, Player:Rukkhadevata, Name:&cA fancy head, Lore:&eA fancy lore,&7with lines, Amount: 3, Glowing: true'