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Version: Current

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do colors in console look weird?

Add this value to your startup flags!

  • -Dnet.kyori.ansi.colorLevel=truecolor

2. How do I give permissions to players?

  • Use a plugin such as LuckPerms, Please do read through their wiki
    • Make sure to check our Commands page for updated permissions.

3. Is there a way to make a player confirm when they want to redeem a voucher?

4. My player heads aren't working / Can I use player heads?

  • Q1
    • You likely have 2 player: '' in your config, One with the url and one empty so the plugin doesn't know what to do.
  • Q2
    • Yes

5. There is so much in the Example.yml. Do I need all of that?

  • No
    • You can view PlayerHead.yml for a version of the voucher where you can remove as much as possible.