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Version: Current

Chance System

How to use the chance system in CrazyEnvoys:

If you've opened any of the tier files, you should be able to recognize three settings relating to probability. These will be Spawn-Chance, Chance and Use-Chance.

Spawn-chance is the probability that the specific tier/envoy type will spawn in the world, this cannot be turned off, so if you want to always spawn that specific tier, set it to 100.

Chance is the probability that a prize will be given to the user. This on the other hand can be turned off, however it makes a random selection; further explained below.

Use-chance If this option is set to true, it will use the Chance setting above in each prize file. If set to false, it will randomly select a prize from the section with a probability of 1/n where n is how many prizes are in the Tier file.

Additional Information Regarding Bulk Prizes

If you have multiple prizes, and do not have the setting Bulk-Prizes.Toggle set to false and a prize has 100% probability, there is no other chance for another prize to be selected. Set to true for this to allow for a guaranteed selection of at least one prize and the chance for however many more.

If you want to give a specific prize every time AND an additional chance/random prize set Chance to 100 and configure your file to reflect the following

Toggle: true
Random: true
MaxBulk: 2

Checking all prizes:

  1. Loops through a list of prizes, checking each one individually
  2. Checks if the individual prize has a successful probability of being selected.
  3. If it is successful then it puts the prize into a winning list. If not, it does nothing.
  4. Continues through the loop, repeating steps 2 & 3 until it reaches the end of the list.

After all prizes have been checked:

  1. A random prize is chosen from the list of items from the previous step. (It does not worry about chances the prize has in this state from the crate files)
  2. Once the prize is picked it will be given to the player.