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Version: Current


Random Number Placeholder:

This placeholder can only be used in commands!

How to use:



- 'eco give %player% %random%:10000-100000'

PlaceholderAPI Support

The first table assumes you are using PlaceholderAPI to parse placeholders.

Simple Placeholders

%crazycrates_<crate>%%crazycrates_galactic%Returns the amount of virtual keys a player has.
%crazycrates_<crate>_physical%%crazycrates_galactic_physical%Returns the amount of physical keys a player has in their inventory.
%crazycrates_<crate>_total%%crazycrates_galactic_total%Returns the total amount of virtual and physical keys a player has.
%crazycrates_<crate>_opened%%crazycrates_galactic_opened%Returns how many times a player has opened an individual crate.
%crazycrates_crates_opened%%crazycrates_crates_opened%Returns the total amount of crates opened.

Player Placeholders ( Only in version 1.16 and higher )

%crazycrates_<player>_opened%%crazycrates_rukkhadevata_opened%Returns the total amount of crates opened.
%crazycrates_<player>_<crate>_opened%%crazycrates_rukkhadevata_galactic_opened%Returns the amount of this particular crate opened.
%crazycrates_<player>_<crate>_physical%%crazycrates_rukkhadevata_galactic_physical%Returns the amount of physical keys a player has in their inventory.
%crazycrates_<player>_<crate>_virtual%%crazycrates_rukkhadevata_galactic_virtual%Returns the amount of virtual keys a player has.
%crazycrates_<player>_<crate>_total%%crazycrates_rukkhadevata_galactic_total%Returns the total amount of virtual and physical keys a player has.