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Casino Crate


# Make sure to check out the wiki for anything not explained here.

# See CosmicCrate.yml to see how the Cosmic CrateType works.
CrateType: Casino
# Starting amount of keys when the player 1st joins.
StartingKeys: 0
# The amount of keys required to use the crate.
RequiredKeys: 20
# Max amount of crates that can be opened at once using /crates mass-open
Max-Mass-Open: 10
# If the crate shows in /crates.
# If the type is QuickCrate/CrateOnTheGo/FireCracker, They will not work as they require a Physical Crate.
InGUI: true
# Slot the item is in the GUI.
Slot: 15
# Enables/Disables the Broadcasts message when they open a crate.
OpeningBroadCast: true
# Message that is broadcast when opening the crate.
BroadCast: "%prefix%<bold><gold>%player%</bold><reset> <gray>is opening a <bold><dark_blue>Casino Crate.</bold>"
# This section is related to commands opening when a crate is opened.
# If the commands should be sent or not.
toggle: false
# The commands to run when the crate opens.
# Supports all placeholderapi placeholders
# Supports %prefix which returns our prefix, %player% which uses the player name
- "put your command here."
# The sound options when the animation is cycling.
# If sound should be enabled or not.
toggle: true
# The type of sound to use. Custom sounds from texture packs are supported!
value: "block.note_block.xylophone"
# The volume of the pitch.
volume: 1.0
# The speed of the sound.
pitch: 1.0
# The sound options when an item is clicked.
# If sound should be enabled or not.
toggle: true
# The type of sound to use. Custom sounds from texture packs are supported!
value: ""
# The volume of the pitch.
volume: 1.0
# The speed of the sound.
pitch: 1.0
# The sound options when a crate ends.
# If sound should be enabled or not.
toggle: true
# The type of sound to use. Custom sounds from texture packs are supported!
value: "entity.player.levelup"
# The volume of the pitch.
volume: 1.0
# The speed of the sound.
pitch: 1.0
# A default message if the prize doesn't have any Messages
# i.e. Messages: [] or the value isn't there.
- "<gray>You have won <red>%reward% <gray>from <red>%crate%."
# A default command if the prize doesn't have any commands
# i.e. Commands: [] or the value isn't there.
Prize-Commands: []
# Global Settings
# Broadcast a message to the server
# If the messages should be sent.
Toggle: false
# The messages to broadcast.
- "<red>%player% won the prize <yellow>%reward%."
# If the player has this permission, they don't get the broadcast.
Permission: ""
# Item the crate is in the GUI
Item: "gold_ingot"
# The custom model data of the item, -1 is disabled.
Custom-Model-Data: -1
# If the crate in the main /crates is glowing or not.
Glowing: false
# Name of the item in the GUI.
Name: "<bold><dark_blue>Casino Crate</bold>"
# The lore of the item in the GUI.
- "<gray>This crate contains strange objects."
- "<gray>You have <gold>%keys% keys <gray>to open this crate with."
- "<gray>You have opened this crate: <gold>%crate_opened% times"
- "<gray>(<yellow>!<gray>) Right click to view rewards."
# The name of the inventory for the preview menu.
Name: "<dark_blue>Casino Crate Preview"
# Turn on and off the preview for this crate.
Toggle: true
# How many lines should the preview be? You can use 1-6.
ChestLines: 6
# Turn the glass border in the preview on and off.
Toggle: true
# The name of the border item.
Name: " "
# The custom model data of the item, -1 is disabled.
Custom-Model-Data: -1
# The item that shows in the border. Can be glass or any other item.
Item: "gray_stained_glass_pane"
# Turn on and off the preview for this crate.
toggle: true
# How many lines the Tier Preview should have. Including Header and Bottom (Between 3 and 6)
rows: 5
# The glass border
# Turn the glass border in the preview on and off.
toggle: true
# The name of the border item.
name: " "
# The custom model data of the item, -1 is disabled.
custom-model-data: -1
# The item that shows in the border. Can be glass or any other item.
item: "red_stained_glass_pane"
# Tier related settings only for Casino.
# If the tiers should be random.
toggle: false
# The rows with pre-defined tiers.
# Row 1
row-1: Basic
# Row 2
row-2: UnCommon
# Row 3
row-3: Rare
# Tiers are available in Cosmic and Casino crate types.
# The Tiers the rewards can be found in.
# The config name for the tier
# The in-game name of the tier.
Name: "<dark_gray>Basic Tier"
# The in-game lore of the tier.
- "<gray>A basic tier."
- "<red>%chance%</red>"
# The item used for the secondary gui when you right-click for the preview.
Item: "chest"
# The custom model data of the item, -1 is disabled.
Custom-Model-Data: -1
# The lower the number, the less likely to win it.
Weight: 50.0
# The slot this item will be in the secondary gui.
Slot: 20
# The in-game name of the tier.
Name: "<green>Uncommon Tier"
# The in-game lore of the tier.
- "<green>An uncommon tier."
- "<red>%chance%</red>"
# The item used for the secondary gui when you right-click for the preview.
Item: "chest"
# The custom model data of the item, -1 is disabled.
Custom-Model-Data: -1
# The lower the number, the less likely to win it.
Weight: 35.0
# The slot this item will be in the secondary gui.
Slot: 22
# The in-game name of the tier.
Name: "<dark_red>Rare Tier"
# The in-game lore of the tier.
- "<red>A rare tier."
- "<red>%chance%</red>"
# The item used for the secondary gui when you right-click for the preview.
Item: "ender_chest"
# The custom model data of the item, -1 is disabled.
Custom-Model-Data: -1
# The lower the number, the less likely to win it.
Weight: 25.0
# The slot this item will be in the secondary gui.
Slot: 24
# Name of the Key.
Name: "<bold><dark_blue>Casino Crate Key</bold>"
# The custom model data of the item, -1 is disabled.
Custom-Model-Data: -1
# Lore of the Key.
- "<gray>A special Key"
- "<gray>For a special Crate."
# The item the key is.
Item: "cyan_dye"
# Makes the key look enchanted.
Glowing: true
# Settings for the holograms.
# Toggle on and off the holograms for the crates.
Toggle: true
# The height of the hologram above the crate.
Height: 1.5
# The distance the hologram can be seen.
Range: 8
# How often should the hologram update? -1 is disabled.
Update-Interval: -1
# The background color of the hologram. It uses hex colors. This only works with CMI/FancyHolograms
# Set the color to transparent if you don't want any color.
Color: "transparent"
# The message that will be displayed above the crate.
# Note: MiniMessage or Color Codes being supported is depending on the 'holograms' plugin.
- "<bold><dark_blue>Casino Crate</bold>"
# All the prizes that can be obtained in the Crate.
# The name of the item to display in the gui.
DisplayName: "<gold>BadBones69"
# The item to display in the gui.
DisplayItem: "player_head"
# Prize settings
# The custom model data of the item, -1 is disabled.
Custom-Model-Data: -1
# The amount to display in the gui.
DisplayAmount: 1
# The lower the number, the less likely to win it.
Weight: 1.0
# Tiers are available in Cosmic and Casino crate types.
# The Tiers the rewards can be found in.
- "Basic"
# An example of a custom player head.
# This can be a player head as well.
Player: "1ee3126ff2c343da525eef2b93272b9fed36273d0ea08c2616b80009948ad57e"
# Only uncomment this if using HeadDatabase by Arcaniax
# Skull: "7129"
- "Item:player_head, Player:1ee3126ff2c343da525eef2b93272b9fed36273d0ea08c2616b80009948ad57e, Name:<gold>BadBones69"
# The name of the item to display in the gui.
DisplayName: "<bold><dark_red>Warlord's Set</bold>"
# The item to display in the gui.
DisplayItem: "netherite_helmet"
# Prize settings
# The custom model data of the item, -1 is disabled.
Custom-Model-Data: -1
# The enchants on the item.
- "protection:5"
- "unbreaking:3"
# The list of materials to use can be found on the link above
Material: "redstone"
# The list of patterns to use can be found on the link above
Pattern: "sentry"
# The amount to display in the gui.
DisplayAmount: 1
# The lore of the item.
- "<gray>Win the warlord's set."
- "<bold><gold>Chance: <red>40%</bold>"
# The lower the number, the less likely to win it.
Weight: 40.0
# Tiers are available in Cosmic and Casino crate types.
# The Tiers the rewards can be found in.
- "UnCommon"
# A list of commands to run when they roll this prize.
# This adds the blacklist permission to the player when they win the prize,
# After this, they will no longer be able to use this prize.
- "lp user %player% permission set crazycrates.blacklist.warlord"
# The list of items to give.
- "Item:netherite_helmet, Amount:1, Damage:25, Trim-Pattern:sentry, Trim-Material:redstone, Name:<bold><dark_red>Warlord's Helmet</bold>, protection:5, unbreaking:3"
- "Item:netherite_chestplate, Amount:1, Damage:25, Trim-Pattern:sentry, Trim-Material:redstone, Name:<bold><dark_red>Warlord's Chestplate</bold>, protection:5, unbreaking:3"
- "Item:netherite_leggings, Amount:1, Damage:25, Trim-Pattern:sentry, Trim-Material:redstone, Name:<bold><dark_red>Warlord's Leggings</bold>, protection:5, unbreaking:3"
- "Item:netherite_boots, Amount:1, Damage:25, Trim-Pattern:sentry, Trim-Material:redstone, Name:<bold><dark_red>Warlord's Boots</bold>, protection:5, unbreaking:3"
# A list of permissions, If a player has any of these permissions. they cannot win this prize again!
- "crazycrates.blacklist.warlord"
# The alternative prize.
# if it should be enabled.
Toggle: true
# The message to send.
- "<reset> <dark_gray>[<blue>CrazyCrates<dark_gray>]: <gray>You have already won that prize, so enjoy some gold nuggets."
# A list of commands to run.
- "give %player% gold_nugget 16"
# Alternatively, instead of commands. You can have an Items section which functions the same as the Items section above.
- "Item:gold_nugget, Amount:16"
# The enchants to be stored on the book.
- "protection:5"
- "unbreaking:3"
# The item to display in the gui.
# The enchanted book will function with the enchants properly in an anvil.
DisplayItem: "enchanted_book"
# Prize settings
# The custom model data of the item, -1 is disabled.
Custom-Model-Data: -1
# The amount to display in the gui.
DisplayAmount: 3
# The lore of the item.
- "<gradient:#8fcfa0:#32a852>A gradient lore!"
# The lower the number, the less likely to win it.
Weight: 25.0
# Tiers are available in Cosmic and Casino crate types.
# The Tiers the rewards can be found in.
- "Rare"
# The list of items to win.
- "Item:enchanted_book, protection:5, unbreaking:3"
# The name of the item to display in the gui.
DisplayName: "<bold><green>Fancy Pants</bold>"
# The item to display in the gui.
DisplayItem: "chainmail_leggings"
# Prize settings
# The custom model data of the item, -1 is disabled.
Custom-Model-Data: -1
# The enchants on the item.
- "protection:2"
# Only works on items with durability. This will make the item appear more damaged.
# It does not set the durability but subtracts this number from the durability is 100, It subtracts 75.
# It cannot be 0.
DisplayDamage: 75
# The list of materials to use can be found on the link above
Material: "lapis"
# The list of patterns to use can be found on the link above
Pattern: "sentry"
# The amount to display in the gui.
DisplayAmount: 1
# The lower the number, the less likely to win it.
Weight: 40.0
# Tiers are available in Cosmic and Casino crate types.
# The Tiers the rewards can be found in.
- "Basic"
- "UnCommon"
# The lore of the item.
- "<gray>Win a fancy pair of pants."
- "<bold><gold>Chance: <red>%chance%</bold>"
# The items to win.
- "Item:chainmail_leggings, Amount:1, Damage:75, Trim-Pattern:sentry, Trim-Material:lapis, Name:<bold><green>Fancy Pants</bold>, protection:2"
# The messages to send.
- "<gray>You just won a <reset>%reward%."
# The name of the item to display in the gui.
DisplayName: "<bold><blue>Classic Sword</bold>"
# The item to display in the gui.
DisplayItem: "diamond_sword"
# Prize settings
# The custom model data of the item, -1 is disabled.
Custom-Model-Data: -1
# The enchants on the item.
- "sharpness:2"
- "fire_aspect:1"
# Only works on items with durability. This will make the item appear more damaged.
# It does not set the durability but subtracts this number from the durability is 100, It subtracts 7.
# It cannot be 0.
DisplayDamage: 7
# The amount to display in the gui.
DisplayAmount: 1
# The lore of the item.
- "<gray>Win a old classic sword."
- "<bold><gold>Chance: <red>3.5%</bold>"
# The lower the number, the less likely to win it.
Weight: 35.0
# Tiers are available in Cosmic and Casino crate types.
# The Tiers the rewards can be found in.
- "Basic"
- "UnCommon"
- "Rare"
# The items to win.
- "Item:diamond_sword, Amount:1, Damage:7, Name:<bold><blue>Classic Sword</bold>, sharpness:2, fire_aspect:1"
# The messages to send.
- "<gray>You just won <reset>%reward%."