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Version: Current


PlaceholderAPI is supported in all aspects of the plugin except for console messages.

Available Placeholders:

  • {player} - Shows the players name.
  • {prefix} - Shows the prefix that's set in the messages file.
  • {server_name} - Shows the server name, can be configured in the config.

PlaceholderAPI Placeholders:

  • %chatmanager_radius% - Shows what chat radius channel the player is in.
  • %chatmanager_toggle_pm% - Shows if toggle pm is enabled or disabled.
  • %chatmanager_toggle_chat% - Shows if toggle chat is enabled or disabled.
  • %chatmanager_command_spy% - Shows if command spy is enabled or disabled.
  • %chatmanager_social_spy% - Shows if social spy is enabled or disabled.
  • %chatmanager_mute_chat% - Shows if mute chat is enabled or disabled.
  • %chatmanager_staff_chat% - Shows if staff chat is enabled or disabled.