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Version: 1.20.4

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do colors in console look weird?

Add this value to your startup flags!

  • -Dnet.kyori.ansi.colorLevel=truecolor

2. What hologram plugins do you support?

3. How do I add items?

  • Open up your tiers folder
  • Open up one of your .yml files
  • Scroll down to the prize section and copy and paste what's already there.

4. How do I give permissions to players?

  • Use a plugin such as LuckPerms, Please do read through their wiki
    • Make sure to check our Commands page for updated permissions.

5. Why can I claim envoys but my players can't?

Potential Solutions

  • Set spawn-protection to 0 ( requires server restart )
  • WorldGuard
    • Make sure you are not using block-break, build. You do not need to use these flags to protect spawn.
    • WorldGuard states that if you are not a member of the region, You cannot build or break by default.
    • You can read more at Worldguard's Flag Section
  • Claim Permissions
    • Each tier has the ability to require a permission for a player to claim them.
    • You can turn this off by going into one of your .yml files in the tiers folder.
    # If they need a permission to claim this envoy. Set too false to disable.
    Claim-Permission: false
    # What permission they need.
    Claim-Permission-Name: 'lucky.envoy.use'

6. Why did you stop supporting Holographic Displays?

  • Filoghost has put the plugin into maintenance mode, The last update for Holographic Displays was at least a month ago & does not have 1.20.1 support.

7. What's wrong with my config or envoy files?

Steps you can do before quickly jumping for support.

  • Run all your configuration files through yamlint, It will tell you if you have any errors.
  • If you are confused on how to fix errors or read yaml, A nifty little guide for you by our favorite longdick122

If you have exhausted the previous steps.

  • Check your console for errors, any errors related to CrazyEnvoys.
  • Use this paste service for any errors or configurations.
  • Join our discord then head to #crazy-envoys
  • Send the url you got from the paste service link above.

8. Can I make supply drops spawn in multiple worlds?

  • You can only make supply drops spawn in multiple worlds by using /envoy edit

9. Why doesn't crate countdown work?

  • You need to have the option enabled in your config.yml
Toggle: false # If there should be a grace period when envoys spawn.
# Recommended value is at least 15+ seconds. With falling blocks, that takes up about 5 seconds and for technical reasons. I can't start it after that...
Time: 120 # How long in seconds till the envoys can be opened?
Message: '&cReady to claim.' # The message to show if the countdown is up or the toggle is set to false.
# Needs to have a space, so it's not crunched next to the countdown.
Message-Seconds: ' seconds.'