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Version: 1.20.4


GlowingAllows the user to see in the dark.
MermaidAllows the user to breath underwater.
ImplantsSlowly feeds the player as they walk.
*CommanderGives nearby faction members haste.


SpringsGives the player a small jump boost.
Anti-GravityGives the player a bigger jump boost.
GearsGives the player a speed boost.
RocketWhen the player is low on HP there is a chance they will fly backwards to escape battle.
**WingsAllows players to fly in faction land or in specified regions.
AdrenalineChance to get a huge speed boost when low on HP.
SniperHas a chance to deal poison damage.


RecoverAfter killing a player you gain regeneration and absorption hearts.
Self-DestructWhen the player dies it will cause an explosion.
*LeadershipWhen faction members are near it makes you do more damage.
CrouchWhile sneaking, take less damage.
SystemRebootAn attack that would normally kill you can instead heal you to full HP.
Burn-ShieldGives the player fire resistance.
OverloadGives the player health boost.
HulkGives the player strength, damage resistance, and slowness.
NinjaGives the player health boost and speed.
CyborgGives you speed, strength and jump boost.
ValorGives the player resistance.
InsomniaGives you confusion, mining fatigue, and slowness but gives you a high chance to deal double damage.
DrunkGives you strength, mining fatigue, and slowness.
IntimidateGives all nearby players on weakness until they are away from you.
*AngelGives nearby faction members regeneration.
BlizzardGives nearby players slowness until they are away from you.
SandStormGives nearby players blindness for 10 seconds, 1/38 chance, and a 30 second cool down time (-5sec per level).
AcidRainGives nearby players poison II for 4 seconds, 1/45 chance, and a 30 second cool down time (-5sec per level).
RadiantSets nearby players on fire until they are away from you, 5 Seconds 1/25 chance with a 15 second cool down (-5sec per level).
ManeuverHas a chance to dodge an attack.
NurseryHas a chance to heal you while walking.
MoltenHas a chance to set your attacker on fire.
PainGiverHas a chance to give your attacker poison.
SaviorHas a chance to cut incoming damage in half.
VoodooHas a chance to give your attacker weakness.
FortifyHas a chance to give your attacker weakness.
EnlightenedHas a chance to heal you when being attacked.
FreezeHas a chance to give your attacker slowness.
StormCallerHas a chance to strike the player attacking you.
CactusHas a chance to damage the player that damaged you.
ShockWaveHas a chance to knock enemies back when they damage you.
SmokeBombHas a chance to give the attacker slowness and blindness so you can get away.
TamerSpawns in a wolf (+1 for every level) that fight with you for one minute. Has a cool down of two minutes.
GuardsSpawns in an iron golem (+1 for every level) that will fight for you for one minute. Has a cool down of two minutes.
NecromancerSpawns in 2 zombie (+2 for every level) that fight with you for one minute. Has a cool down of two minutes.
InfestationSpawns in 3 silverfish and 3 endermites (+3 of each for every level) that fight with you for one minute. Has a cool down of two minutes.
BeeKeeperSpawns in bees.


PiercingHas a chance to deal double damage.
DoctorHas a chance to heal a player when hit.
BoomHas a chance to spawn TnT where the arrow lands.
VenomHas a chance to give poison to the player shot.
IceFreezeHas a chance to give the player shot slowness.
LightningHas a chance to strike lightning where the arrow lands.
MultiArrowHas a chance to shoot multiple arrows.
PullHas a chance to send the player you hit flying at you.
StickyShotHas a chance to spawn webs around the arror on impact.


PlanterWhen tilling soil, it will automatically plant seeds from your hotbar.
TillerIncrease the AOE of the hoe to 3x3.
HarvesterWhen harvesting crops, breaks sarrounding crops.
GreenThumbWhen right clicking a seed with the hoe, has a chance to make it grow at the cost of durability.


VampireHas a chance to heal you by one heart when attacking.
Life-StealHas a chance to steal your enemies's health.
Double-DamageHas a chance to deal double damage.
SlowMoHas a chance to give the enemy slowness.
BlindnessHas a chance to give the enemy blindness.
ViperHas a chance to give the enemy poison.
FastTurnHas a chance to deal more damage.
LightWeightHas a chance to give the user haste.
ConfusionHas a chance to give the enemy confusion.
DisarmerHas a chance to take the enemies's armor off.
ExecuteHas a chance to get strength when the enemy is low HP.
HeadlessHas a chance to drop the enemies's head.
InquisitiveHas a chance to give a lot more XP.
NutritionHas a chance to feed you while fighting.
ObliterateHas a chance to send your enemy flying backwards.
ParalyzeHas a chance to lightning strike your enemy and give them slowness and mining fatigue.
SkillSwipeHas a chance to steal your enemies's XP.
SnareHas a chance to give your enemy slowness and mining fatigue.
TrapHas a chance to give your enemy a high dose of slowness.
WitherHas a chance to give your enemy wither.
DoubleDamageHas a chance to deal double damage.
RageDoes more damage the longer you fight an enemy.
DisorderHas a chance to reorder your enemies hotbar.
ChargeWhen you kill an enemy, nearby allys get a speed boost.
FamishedDuring combat, ha a chance to give your enemy hunger.


BlessedHas a chance to remove all negative effects from the user.
FeedMeHas a chance to feed the player while fighting.
DizzyHas a chance to give the player you attack confusion.
BerserkHas a chance to give you strength and mining fatigue when fighting.
CursedHas a chance to give the player you attack mining fatigue.
RektHas a chance to deal double damage.
DecapitationHas a chance to drop the players head on death.
BattleCryDuring combat it has a 10%(+5% per level) chance to send nearby players flying backwards.
DemonForgedHigher durability damage.


TelepathyWhen you break a block it will automatically go into your inventory.
HasteWhen used, will give you haste.
OxygenateWhen used, will let you breath under water.


AutoSmeltHas a chance to smelt ore and drop more then one ore.
ExperienceHas a chance to give you a lot more XP from block breaking.
FurnaceAlways smelts your ores into ingots.
BlastBreaks a 3x3 area of blocks. The higher the level, the more depth.
VeinMinerMines multiple blocks from ore veins at once. The higher the level, the more depth.


HellForgedSlowly repairs items while walking.

Any enchantment prefixed with an asterisk(*) means it only work with one of these plugins. FactionsUUID.

Any enchantment prefixed with two asterisks(**) means it only works with Factions plugins, World Guard regions, Towny and SuperiorSkyBlock.

The plugin list stated above might be outdated, so feel free to check out supported plugins for more that might work.