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Version: 1.20.4
/keycrazycrates.command.player.keyCheck the number of keys you have.true
/key [player]crazycrates.command.player.key.othersCheck the number of keys a player has.op
/crazycrates transfer <crate> <player> <amount>crazycrates.command.player.transferAllows players to send virtual keys to another player.op
/crazycratescrazycrates.command.player.menuOpens the primary crate menu.true
/crazycrates helpcrazycrates.command.player.helpShows all player commands for CrazyCrates.true
/crazycrates admin-helpcrazycrates.command.admin.helpShows all admin commands for CrazyCrates.op
/crazycrates additem <crate> <prize> <chance> [tier]crazycrates.command.admin.additemAdd items in-game to a prize in a crate.op
/crazycrates admincrazycrates.command.admin.accessOpens the Admin Keys GUI.op
/crazycrates preview <crate> [player]crazycrates.command.admin.previewOpens the preview of a crate for a player.op
/crazycrates listcrazycrates.command.admin.listDisplays a list of all crates.op
/crazycrates open <crate>crazycrates.command.admin.openTries to open a crate for yourself if you have a key.op
/crazycrates open-others <crate> [player] to open a crate for a player if they have a key.op
/crazycrates forceopen <crate> [player]crazycrates.command.admin.forceopenOpens a crate for a player for free.op
/crazycrates tp <location>crazycrates.command.admin.teleportTeleport to a crate.op
/crazycrates give <virtual/physical> <crate> [amount] [player]crazycrates.command.admin.givekeyGive a key(s) to a player to use on a crate.op
/crazycrates giveall <virtual/physical> <crate> [amount]crazycrates.command.admin.giveallGives all online players keys to use on a crate.op
/crazycrates take <virtual/physical> <crate> [amount] [player]crazycrates.command.admin.takekeyAllows you to take keys from a player.op
/crazycrates set <crate>crazycrates.command.admin.setSet a block you are looking at as the specified crate.op
/crazycrates reloadcrazycrates.command.admin.reloadReloads the configuration and data files.op
/crazycrates convertcrazycrates.command.admin.convertTries to convert supported plugin's crate files into crazy crate's crate files.op
/crazycrates wandcrazycrates.wandGives a wand that lets you select 2 points to create schematics.op
/crazycrates debug <crate>crazycrates.command.admin.debugGives all the prizes to you so you can see if your crate works.op
/crazycrates save <schematic file name>crazycrates.saveSave the new schematic file to the schematics folder.op
/crazycrates mass-open <crate> <virtual/physical> <amount>crazycrates.command.admin.massopenMass opens crates. Defaults to 10 but can be changed in the crate config files.op
/crazycrates give-random <virtual/physical> <amount> <player>crazycrates.command.admin.giverandomkeyGives a random key out of all the crates available.op


NodeDescriptionDefault<crate-name>Prevents you from opening a crate.false
crazycrates.command.exclude.player.giveallPrevents you from getting keys when using giveall.op


crazycrates.command.players.*Gives access to all player commands.false
crazycrates.command.admin.*Gives access to all admin commands.false
crazycrates.command.admin.schematic.*Gives access to all commands relating to schematics.false