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Version: 1.20.4

Chat Manager

ChatManager has a lot of commands and permissions, so please read this page entirely before asking for help.

All permissions are registered on startup to the server, so they will show up in LuckPerm's web editor.


Please note that commands with the arguments [] or {} in /chatmanager help are either required or optional

  • Arguments surrounded with {} are required.
  • Arguments surrounded with [] are optional.
  • Arguments such as {player} must be replaced with a players name.
  • Arguments such as {message} must be replaced with a message, the message can be as long as you want it to be.
  • Arguments such as {world} must be replaced with one of your worlds name.
  • Arguments such as {word} must be without spaces to be added to the list of swear words.
  • Arguments such as {command} must be used without a "/" or the command won't be blacklisted.

Commands and Permissions

chatmanagerNo PermissionMain command for the plugin ChatManager that shows the author, and version of the plugin.
chatmanager helpNo PermissionDisplay the help page.
chatmanager reloadchatmanager.reloadReloads all the configuration files.
chatmanager debugchatmanager.debugDebug chat managers configuration files.
antiswear helpchatmanager.antiswear.helpShows a list of commands for the anti-swear feature.
antiswear add {word}chatmanager.antiswear.addBlacklists a word so people cant type it in chat.
antiswear remove {word}chatmanager.antiswear.removeRemoves a word from the list of banned words.
antiswear listchatmanager.antiswear.listShows a list of all the blocked swear words.
autobroadcast helpchatmanager.autobroadcast.helpShows a list of commands for the auto broadcast feature.
autobroadcast add {world} {message}chatmanager.autobroadcast.addAdd a new broadcast message to a specific world.
autobroadcast create {world} {message}chatmanager.autobroadcast.createCreate a new world for auto broadcast messages to be sent in.
autobroadcast list {world}chatmanager.autobroadcast.listShows a list of all the broadcasted messages in a world.
bannedcommands helpchatmanager.bannedcommands.helpShows a list of commands for the banned commands feature.
bannedcommands add {command}chatmanager.bannedcommands.addAdds a commands to the list of banned commands.
bannedcommands remove {command}chatmanager.bannedcommands.removeRemoves a command from the list of banned commands.
bannedcommands listchatmanager.bannedcommands.listShows a list of all the banned commands.
announcement {message}chatmanager.announcementSends an announcement message to the entire server.
broadcast {message}chatmanager.broadcastBroadcast a message to the entire server.
clearchatchatmanager.clearchatClears chat for everyone on the server.
commandspychatmanager.commandspySee what commands everyone types on the server.
listchatmanager.lists.playersShows a list of all the players that are currently online.
message {player} {message}chatmanager.messageSends a private message to the specified player.
message {self} {message}chatmanager.message.selfSends a private message to yourself.
mutechatchatmanager.mutechatMutes the server chat preventing players from talking in chat.
mutechat -schatmanager.mutechat.silentMutes the server chat silently preventing players from talking in chat.
motdNo PermissionShows the servers message of the day.
perworldchat bypasschatmanager.perworldchat.bypassAllow players to see what you type in chat in every world.
pingchatmanager.pingShows your current ping.
ping {player} other players current ping.
reply {message}chatmanager.replyQuickly reply to the last player to message you.
ruleschatmanager.rulesShows a list of the server rules.
socialspychatmanager.socialspySpy on players and see what they message to other players.
staffchatmanager.lists.staffShows a list of all the staff members that are currently online.
staffchat {message}chatmanager.staffchatSend private messages to all staff on the server.
togglechatchatmanager.toggle.chatBlocks players from receiving any chat messages.
togglementionschatmanager.toggle.mentionsBlocks players from receiving any mention notifications.
togglepmchatmanager.toggle.pmBlocks players from sending private messages to you.
warning {message}chatmanager.warningSend out a warning message to everyone on the server.

Chat Radius Commands and Permissions

chatradiuschatmanager.chatradiusShows a list of commands for chat radius.
chatradius localchatmanager.chatradius.localEnables local chat.
chatradius globalchatmanager.chatradius.globalEnables global chat.
chatradius worldchatmanager.chatradius.worldEnables world chat.
chatradius spychatmanager.chatradius.spyEnables spy chat. Players will be able to see messages in all channels. to enable global chat with the override symbol.
chatmanager.chatradius.local.overridePermission to enable local chat with the override symbol. to enable world chat with the override symbol.
chatmanager.chatradius.allPlayers with this permission will access all chat radius channels.

Bypass Permissions

chatmanager.bypass.afkPlayers with this permission can send private messages to players that are AFK.
chatmanager.bypass.antiadvertisingBypass the anti advertising check so players can advertise in chat.
chatmanager.bypass.antibotBypass the anti-bot checker so you can talk in chat and use commands without moving when you join the server.
chatmanager.bypass.antiswearBypass the anti swear checker so players can swear in chat.
chatmanager.bypass.antiunicodeBypass the anti unicode checker so players can use special chat characters.
chatmanager.bypass.bannedcommandsBypass the banned commands checker so players can use blacklisted commands.
chatmanager.bypass.capsBypass the anti-caps checker so players can use caps in chat.
chatmanager.bypass.chatdelayBypass the chat delay so players can spam in chat.
chatmanager.bypass.chatradiusBypass the chat radius checker so you can see what everyone is saying in chat.
chatmanager.bypass.clearchatBypass the clear chat so players chat wont be cleared.
chatmanager.bypass.clearchat.onjoinPlayers with this permission wont have their chat cleared when they join the server.
chatmanager.bypass.coloncommandsPlayers with this permission can use colons in commands.
chatmanager.bypass.commanddelayBypass the command delay so player can spam commands.
chatmanager.bypass.commandspyPlayers with this permission cannot be spied on when they type commands.
chatmanager.bypass.dupe.chatPlayers with this permission can repeat messages without being stopped.
chatmanager.bypass.dupe.commandPlayers with this permission can repeat commands without being stopped.
chatmanager.bypass.grammarPlayers with this permission can talk in chat without the grammar checker messing with their messages.
chatmanager.bypass.ignoredThis permission will allow players to send private messages to players that are ignoring them.
chatmanager.bypass.mutechatPlayers with this permission can talk in chat when the chat is muted.
chatmanager.bypass.socialspyPlayers with this permission cant be spied on with social spy.
chatmanager.bypass.spectatorPlayers with this permission can send private messages to players in spectator mode.
chatmanager.bypass.togglepmPlayers with this permission can send private messages to players that has pm's disabled
chatmanager.bypass.vanishThis permission will allow players to send private messages to players that are in vanish.

Chat Color and Format Permissions

chatmanager.formatting.allPlayers with this permission can use all color codes and formats in chat. with this permission can all color codes in chat. with this permission can use format codes in chat.
chatmanager.sign.colorPlayers with this permission can use color codes on signs.
chatmanager.sign.formatPlayers with this permission can use format codes on signs.
chatmanager.color.greenPlayers with this permission can use the color code &a in chat.
chatmanager.color.aquaPlayers with this permission can use the color code &b in chat.
chatmanager.color.redPlayers with this permission can use the color code &c in chat.
chatmanager.color.light-purplePlayers with this permission can use the color code &d in chat.
chatmanager.color.yellowPlayers with this permission can use the color code &e in chat.
chatmanager.color.whitePlayers with this permission can use the color code &f in chat.
chatmanager.color.blackPlayers with this permission can use the color code &0 in chat.
chatmanager.color.dark-bluePlayers with this permission can use the color code &1 in chat.
chatmanager.color.dark-greenPlayers with this permission can use the color code &2 in chat.
chatmanager.color.dark-aquaPlayers with this permission can use the color code &3 in chat.
chatmanager.color.dark-redPlayers with this permission can use the color code &4 in chat.
chatmanager.color.dark-purplePlayers with this permission can use the color code &5 in chat.
chatmanager.color.goldPlayers with this permission can use the color code &6 in chat.
chatmanager.color.grayPlayers with this permission can use the color code &7 in chat.
chatmanager.color.dark-grayPlayers with this permission can use the color code &8 in chat.
chatmanager.color.bluePlayers with this permission can use the color code &9 in chat.
chatmanager.format.obfuscatedPlayers with this permission can use the format code &k in chat.
chatmanager.format.boldPlayers with this permission can use the format code &l in chat.
chatmanager.format.strikethroughPlayers with this permission can use the format code &m in chat.
chatmanager.format.underlinePlayers with this permission can use the format code &n in chat.
chatmanager.format.italicPlayers with this permission can use the format code &o in chat.
chatmanager.format.resetPlayers with this permission can use the format code &r in chat.

Notification Permissions

chatmanager.notify.antiadvertisingPlayers with this permission will get notified in chat when a player advertises with their exact message.
chatmanager.notify.antiswearPlayers with this permission will get notified in chat when a player swears with their exact message.
chatmanager.notify.antiunicodePlayers with this permission will get notified in chat when a player uses special chat characters with their exact message.
chatmanager.notify.bannedcommandsPlayers with this permission will get notified in chat when a executes a banned command with their exact message.
chatmanager.notify.allPlayers with this permission gains access to every notification permission.

Other Permissions

chatmanager.mentionPlayers with this permission will be allowed to send mention notifications to other players.
chatmanager.mention.everyonePlayers with this permission can send mention notifications to everyone on the server.
chatmanager.staffPlayers with this permission will be shown in the staff list.
chatmanager.commands.allPlayers with this permission can execute every command.
chatmanager.bypass.allPlayers with this permission can bypass every check.
chatmanager.*Player with this access to every command and permission.